
Organisations join forces to launch First Aid for Mental Health Course

Secondsight, the employee benefits specialist, has joined forces with Minding Your Business, which focuses on mental health issues in the workplace, to launch Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses.

Whilst this particular two-day course has been tailored for HR and wellbeing directors, it is internationally recognised and can be used in any environment, to suit any audience. It is designed to provide attendees with comprehensive knowledge of the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health, giving them the confidence to intervene and manage someone experiencing a problem.

MHFA is valuable in providing information on a range of mental health problems, along with reducing stigma and encouraging early intervention. The course is not intended to train people to become therapists, but to provide the non-expert with knowledge of the first signs and symptoms of a range of mental health problems, and the confidence to intervene when a problem is observed.

Morag Livingston, group risk and healthcare manager at Secondsight, said:

“A large number of employers are not sure how to handle conditions relating to stress, anxiety or depression in their staff, and – as a result – fail to provide the right levels of support.

“At Secondsight we encourage our clients to intervene early on where possible, to reduce or eliminate potential issues, and the amount of time an employee is required to take off. Mental Health First Aid can, and should, form part of this early intervention programme, and we’re delighted to have joined forces with Minding Your Business – real specialists in mental health issues in the workplace.”

Jane Cattermole, service manager, at Minding Your Business, added: “I am pleased that the issue of mental health in the workplace has risen up the news agenda – I truly believe it should be given an equal focus to physical First Aid programmes.

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